Steamboat Soccer Club
Supporting players to reach their full potential in life.
U5-U14 Recreational Fall Season: September 3 thru October 6 (six weeks)
Spring Season: early May through mid-June (six weeks)
Please reach out to Angie Baker at with program questions.
Uniforms will be available for purchase in the soccer office or on the field during the first week of programming at a cost of $45. (includes: 1 jersey, shorts, & socks)
As a non-profit organization, we depend on and greatly appreciate the support of our families who volunteer. The Steamboat Mountain Soccer Tournament, Soccer Ball, Soccer Academy, and the Raffle income go toward reducing fees for players.
Refund Policy for Recreational Programs: Refunds are granted before the second week of practice. A non-refundable registration fee ($25) will apply to all refunds. Partial refunds will be granted for medical reasons only.
P.O. Box 770661, 2667 Copper Ridge Circle Unit 2, Steamboat Springs, Co 80477
© Steamboat Soccer Club. All rights reserved.